Applications now closed

#PSXmas14 – Get ready to play!

By Rachel Pitman on Tue 09 December 2014 in Placement Blog

After Rosie passed the social media batton to me this September I have been having lots of fun running our social media campaigns here in the Marketing grotto.

One of my first tasks was to put together some ideas for a Christmas twitter campaign, not thinking in a million years that one of my ideas would actually go live! We wanted to create a fun and interactive campaign that would encourage prospective placement students to interact with us and ultimately apply for our placement opportunities.

After analysing the demographics and interests of @PS_Placements’ followers (wow I sound like a geek), I discovered that they had strong interest in comedy, music and job searches. Using this as my starting point, I put together a plan for a ‘pass the parcel’ themed twitter Christmas game – #PSXmas14!

So, I had the game plan, but I knew it wouldn’t work without a lot of promotion. Whilst tracking our twitter impressions, I found that Rate My Placement’s #PlacementChat trebled our daily averages. We also appreciate the values of RMP and believe they are very reflective of our own.. If only we could get Rate My Placement involved hmm…

Before I knew it, it was time to present my idea to our Head of Marketing. Selling your idea to someone who is already so experienced in that area is nerve-wracking but also an incredible experience, especially afterjust two months in to a placement year. In my pitch I highlighted how I thought working with Rate My Placement could be a great opportunity for the campaign and benefit both us and them.

‘Ring them!’, she said, so I did. Yep just like that I was working on my idea and making it live. Speaking to the lovely Hannah at Rate My Placement who oversees RMP’s social media we discussed the plan and everything started falling into place!

Hannah helped promote our twitter game, a fab support to have, and we’re excited to announce that we have officially teamed up with Rate My Placement to bring to you our #PSXmas14 Christmas twitter game!

The game is a great chance for you to interact with placement providers, get valuable advice and win prizes!

How to play

We will play four Christmas songs in the marketing grotto and live tweet the occasion. Whenever a song has finished playing, as announced via our live feed #PSXmas14, a layer of the parcel will be unwrapped (shown via a vine). This will reveal a prize ranging from placement consultations with our recruitment officers to mince pies & vouchers!

Entrants must join in with #PlacementChat either asking or answering a question using the hashtag #PSXmas14 and a winner will be chosen at random every 15 minutes during the hour.

Date: 11th December
Time: 4-5pm during Rate My Placement’s 

Follow us on twitter @PS_Placements to keep up to date on the latest placement news.

We hope you can join us for #PSXmas14!

Ps. Stay tuned for updates on my next social media project – ProspectSoft: Get Social!

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