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Natalia sums up her Placement Experience…

By Natalia Morel on Fri 04 July 2014 in Placement Blog

There are less than 2 months to go until the end of our placement and the question on every placement’s mind is ‘Where has it all gone?!’ 

It really feels like it was yesterday that we came here for our first day of work, not knowing what to expect. But we’ve all grown into our roles and integrated well with the rest of the company.

As a part of my technical role, I ensure that our customers’ needs are met by designing and coding bespoke software to help them expand their business. The biggest bit of work so far has been a plugin that can be used to scan bar codes to easily add products to a quote. It was deployed a few months ago and since then, everyone who has been using it was very happy and pleased with it, which makes me very proud. It was so exciting and rewarding to see that the software I wrote, my ‘baby’ plugin was live and being used by our customers.

But it’s not all just work. Everyone in the office is a part of the ProspectSoft family and we all come together to have a good time even if it’s only for one of our birthdays, an outing to an adventure park or an elegant evening.

The experience gained in the past 11 months has been invaluable. It helped me understand what a working environment means, how to deal with our customers, how to work with my colleagues and I can honestly say that I doubt I would have gained this much in a different company.

I’m happy to be a part of this company and I know I will miss every minute of it when it’s time to get back to university, but for now I plan to make the most of my final few weeks here.

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