Applications now closed

The Fab Five

By Sophie Henderson on Fri 12 October 2012 in Placement Blog

As the new ProspectSoft placements, we have now been in our main job roles for a month and a half, and it is safe to say we are now happily in the swing of things.

After an intense month of training, which not only involved learning a huge amount of information in what felt like an extremely short period of time but also the equally testing challenge of adjusting to ‘working life’ (early morning starts, long days) after two years of lax student living. However, despite this, we all really enjoyed our first month at ProspectSoft and all felt we had already learnt so much about ProspectSoft and what they do (thanks to lots of support and patience from our teachers) as well as polishing up on our individual presentation and technical skills!

With some apprehension about moving into the ‘big boy offices’ and taking on our main roles which we would have for the rest of our placement years, we were all given our individual job titles. Emma and I are the new Sales and Marketing Assistants, which involves looking after our partners and helping progress their sales, as well as all the marketing activities (creating and designing e-shots and brochures) and planning our events, from choosing the location and venues, through to event calling and networking on the day. Emma and I have already exceeded our target bookings in record time! Alice has taken on the role of Assistant Client Development Consultant and is working with our existing customers, helping with sales and has even gone to customer meetings with one of our directors. Tom is Assistant Software Developer and works on developing bespoke software for both customers and for use in-house and Jethro is the new Assistant Support Consultant, solving all our customers’ problems in record time!

I’ve found one of the best bits about our placement definitely has to be the level of responsibility we are given (and trusted with!). Alongside our day-to-day tasks, we are also given the opportunity to take on individual projects to make our own. Emma is currently busy with the recruitment of our next lot of Placements, Jethro is creating a brand new Gallery for potential customers to view all of the eCommerce sites we have worked on and my project at the minute to is to totally update and re-design our product brochures which we hand out at our promotional events.

One of the first things we all noticed about ProspectSoft was how friendly and welcoming everyone in the office was as well as how well everybody gets on! There is definitely a youthful and outgoing vibe at ProspectSoft and there is never too long a gap between social outings, whether its trips to the pub after work, bowling, cinema, or a big night out in Oxford! Our next big trip is to Thorpe Park in a few weeks for Halloween Fright Nights!

Overall, we’ve all really enjoyed our first two months at ProspectSoft and with our varied job roles we are all excited to see what the next few months are going to bring.

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