By Nick Butcher on Mon 06 December 2010 in Placement Blog
This month’s technical placement blog is all about a box of Quality Street.
Earlier this month, us placements were introduced to the new and updated Academies scheme that ProspectSoft runs to help placement and post-graduate employees get started in their professional development. The scheme is split into 10 parts, each focusing on a competency that we should be developing such as meeting goals and targets, job skills, time management, etc. We can submit 3 evidences for each of the parts, which get marked by managers. If we get a high enough mark, this is recorded in our folders and we get given certificates at the monthly company meetings.
Being awesome, I was quick off the draw and managed to submit two evidences, which scored high enough to earn me a box of Quality Street for myself. The two pieces I submitted were to do with configuring a ProspectSoft CRM system for a client, and tracking down a particular nasty bug in one of our add-ons that dramatically slowed down some of the imports.
My aim now is to submit as many evidences as possible, in hope that at the end of my placement year I will have plenty of certificates showing my achievements and personal development while working at ProspectSoft.