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Reflecting on my time in the Customer Success Team

By Charlotte Austin on Wed 17 August 2022 in Placement Blog

Hear from Charlotte, our current Customer Success placement, as she reflects on her placement experience at ProspectSoft.

Throughout my year as a Customer Success Assistant at ProspectSoft, I’ve learnt so much about consultancy and developed plenty of key skills that will help me in future jobs. In my role, I’ve taken on many responsibilities; emailing and calling customers to book in consultancy sessions, running welcome calls, monitoring the online live chat, and undertaking configuration work – to name a few! These responsibilities have enabled me to develop a range of skills and grow in confidence. I particularly found this to be the case once I began running consultancy calls by myself and became more independent within my role.

The variety of day-to-day tasks has been really interesting and provided me with so many learning opportunities. One of the main skills I’ve developed has been teamwork, as a result of my work within the Onboarding team collaborating on projects and work. I know that this exposure will be highly beneficial upon returning to University and in my future career. I’ve also developed my customer service skills through onboarding customers and communicating with managers within companies on welcome calls. There’s also technical work involved through the configuration of customer's systems, so I’ve certainly developed my IT skills too! 

One of the highlights of the year has definitely been the socials at ProspectSoft! These have given me and the rest of the placements an opportunity to chat with people in other areas of the business and learn more about their roles and about them as a person. Another highlight of my role has been running welcome and configuration calls independently with customers, often holding meetings with managers and directors of companies, as I really got a strong sense of responsibility and accountability.

My advice to students coming to ProspectSoft for a placement year would be to take every opportunity you’re offered and to fully immerse yourself into the role to make the most of it! I’d also advise getting to know others within the company, not just those in your immediate team, as you can find out so much about different job roles and career paths by doing this. Watching others’ working style in your team will also give you an invaluable insight into the way you should work within a role, meaning you can really learn from them.

Reflecting on the year, I know I’ll take away lots of new skills and knowledge. Having experienced a hybrid approach to working, with a flexible mixture of office time and working from home, I’ve really been able to evaluate the work style that suits me best. Personally, I’ve loved the hybrid approach, as it means I get the perfect mix of in-person interaction and a good work-life balance!

I think the aspect I’ll miss most about working at ProspectSoft is the people. Right from the start, I’ve felt supported, valued, and appreciated within the company. There’s an amazing, special culture at ProspectSoft which I’ll miss being part of and some great people who I’ll miss talking to every day!
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