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How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

By George Palmer on Thu 29 September 2022 in Placement Blog

Unsure whether you'll have time to continue your hobbies on your placement year? Have a read about George's experiences balancing his sport and social life alongside his role as a New Business Sales Assistant.

Since starting my role as a New Business Sales Assistant, I have become aware of how important it is to sustain a balanced lifestyle. Being an active individual, I wanted to ensure I maintain a healthy relationship with football and work, whilst also reserving time for social activities as well as other hobbies; like going to the gym. Whilst I have really enjoyed my time at ProspectSoft so far, I would be lying if I said that I settled into this new routine quickly and smoothly. Finding the ideal balance between work and my other interests has been challenging, but finding a routine that complements your lifestyle is far from unachievable. I’ll be addressing some of the common misconceptions about working a 9 to 5 job, and finding time to relax and do the things you love. 

Prioritising your Wellbeing

I am lucky enough to play football to a very good level, however, this means I have training twice a week after work and a game every Saturday. Alongside this, I enjoy going to the gym daily and spending time with my colleagues outside the workplace. 

So, how do I achieve this whilst working on my placement? Surrounding yourself with supportive people, like friends and family, is always a good place to start. Based on my experience so far, I’ve never felt overwhelmed or stressed because my managers are willing to offer me support and advice where it’s needed. They’ve all ensured that I’ve settled in comfortably, and the social feeling of the company allows me to enjoy my work and means I look forward to going into the office every day. 

Staying Organised

For me personally, there are two main factors that allow me to balance my football, gym, and work life: timekeeping and health. In terms of timekeeping, I find it useful to understand what my planner looks like for work at the start of each week, and how I can fit my hobbies around this. Knowing where I need to be at what time allows me to plan meals and figure out when I’m free and when I’m not. ProspectSoft is a very sociable company, and I am lucky enough to be living with five other placement students. Because of this, I want to find time around work and football to spend time and get to know my work mates. Timekeeping allows you to organise your availability and makes it easier to arrange plans with your friends. Having something as simple as a planner means you can easily coordinate work with your hobbies and your time with others. 

Monitoring your Health

Health is a huge factor in successfully balancing work with my hobbies and social life. I can’t emphasise enough how much of an impact sleep and food have on your ability to be efficient at work and successful in your hobbies. I always make sure to get enough sleep and have my meals planned and prepared the night before work so that I have enough energy for work the following day. As I enter the third month of my placement, I really feel as though my routine is beginning to take shape and I’m more than able to achieve everything in my busy schedule, all whilst staying positive, healthy, and on top of everything. 

Choosing to do a year in industry is a great way to improve your employability and adopt transferrable skills. Click here to explore the placement opportunities that ProspectSoft has to offer!
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