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The Life of a Client Services Placement

By Francesca Firth on Fri 02 March 2012 in Placement Blog

My role at ProspectSoft can be summed up in one word…Varied! 

I am working in the Client Services department which means that that majority of my work involves our existing customers. This is definitely one of the bonus’ of my job, it’s great to hear how customers are using ProspectSoft and how our Account Managers help them find ways to make their business more efficient. On a day-to-day basis I create quotes and process orders for our resellers, and help them with whatever they may need to secure a sale. My job does not end there…

I have been given a number of projects to complete alongside this. One of my first tasks was to call our customers and gather some of their feedback on the products and services that are being offered. From this I was able to create testimonials for our website (which you can see on the side of our home page and on our testimonial page), the feedback I gathered led to a free course being held at our head offices and was a great way to further develop our relationship with customers. I have helped with and attended some of our quarterly business growth workshops and also organised an event exclusively for our customers. As well as making sure the day ran smoothly, during this event I conducted some video interviews (which can also be viewed on our testimonial page). When Lou joined the Client Services team I played a part in ensuring that she was settling in to the role well and helped her learn some of the processes that we have in place. In addition to this, throughout the duration of the year I have been responsible for the initial stages of recruitment. This involved reviewing CV’s and conducting telephone interviews for both the next set of technical placements and a Project Manager position and working with Nick on our Placement Award applications, one of which (the RMP award) we were delighted to win!

My current projects are filming and producing videos for our website, initiating a department newsletter, assisting with a revamp of our customer portal and  investigating the purchase of a printer/photocopier for the office(slightly less exciting but surprisingly enjoyable).

This is just a brief summary of some of the things I do here at ProspectSoft , I’m sure you can see that I have been given the opportunity to get involved in some great projects and I’m looking forward to plenty more coming my way in the following months.

If you want more regular updates on what all the placements at ProspectSoft get up to why not follow our twitter – PS_Placements

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