Applications now closed

New kids on the blog

By Fiona Ness on Thu 15 September 2011 in Placement Blog

August is always an exciting month here at ProspectSoft HQ. 

Not only does it mark the end of 13 months of hard work (and hard play) for the existing placement students but also sees the arrival of a fresh batch of Sales and Marketing Assistants.

We’ve been through four weeks of intense training in which we’ve presented a complete sales pitch, learnt how to install a ProspectSoft solution and even how to carry out some of the technical processes (amazing considering some of us could barely locate our C-drive before we started). After multiple cups of coffee and a lot of head scratching, we now feel confident that we will be able to perform well in our individual job roles and live up to the high standards that our predecessors have set for us.

Just when we’d all become comfortable in the training room, they let us loose in the office and instantly we were given the task of dealing with real customers. We began by inviting guests to our upcoming event, a project which Nick especially took to like a duck to water, leading our team to a record number of attendees*.

So all that’s left to do now is introduce ourselves-
Fiona will be assisting all things marketing related, Francesca will be working with existing users in Client Services and Nick and Nikesh will be joining New Business introducing customers to our ProspectSoft solutions.

It’s been a massive learning curve over the past few weeks but we’ve had some excellent teachers and every member of the team has gone out of their way to make us feel welcome.  But it’s not all work, work, work!  We’ve had some great opportunities to get to know everyone outside of work, at the company BBQ, the placements leaving do and the odd trip to Nandos.

If our placement year carries on the way it has started we’re in for an excellent year!


*this is purely our own opinion, it has not been officially confirmed .

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