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ProspectSoft’s 10km Heroes

By Alice Miles on Thu 19 May 2011 in Placement Blog

Sunday 15th May was a memorable day for many of us here at ProspectSoft. It was the day we ran the 10km Oxford Town and Gown Race.


The ProspectSoft running team consisted of 14 of us, the group not only varied in age but also in ability, with some having completed half marathons and others having never trained before. For most of us it was quite a challenge – having decided to sign up just 7 weeks before the race, a lot of training had to be put in by all to ensure we were able to reach the finish line.

When the sunny but breezy day arrived we all gathered in the Oxford University parks, where pre race stretches began and photographs were taken. At 10am the gun was fired and off we went!

As many of us had trained alone, most of us ran individually; and after just 45 minutes our top hero, Rob Drummond crossed the finish line, placing 422 out of 2673 runners!! An hour and 23 minutes in, all 14 of us had completed the race – an amazing achievement.

This year’s Oxford Town & Gown race marked its 30th anniversary supporting a fantastic charity – The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. ProspectSoft are now just a few donations away from reaching our target of £1,000 for this great cause. Any final donations to help us hit this point would be greatly appreciated! Please dig deep and donate now at  – Thank you!

“The 30th Oxford Town & Gown has been one of the best yet. The charity cannot thank these fantastic runners enough for their support.”
Alun Mainwaring, Race Organiser

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