Applications now closed


By Alice Miles on Fri 28 January 2011 in Placement Blog

I can’t quite believe that we are now approaching our 6-month mark, but as they say, time flies when you’re having fun – and what fun the last two months have been!! 

Up in the sales and marketing department, one of my recent roles has been placement recruitment for next year; I was specifically dealing with Technical Placements. This role involved sieving through nearly 200 CV’s, sending tests, holding 30 telephone interviews and cutting down to the final 11 for an assessment day, held at our offices on the 16thDecember. The day luckily ran smoothly, with 6 attendees asked to stay on for further interviews. In the end, 3 really stood out and were offered the job – giving them the best early Christmas present they could have asked for! For me, it was a brilliant opportunity and very enjoyable taking ownership of the task and successfully recruiting 3 brilliant placements. 

Other current top news from ProspectSoft – we recently attended the Rate My Placement awards ceremony in London (20th January) as ProspectSoft were in the running for two awards. We were all very proud (and shaky) when Vicki, one of last year’s Sales and Marketing placements, was announced the ‘Best Student Contribution to a Small or Medium-sized Enterprise’.  ProspectSoft, were shortlisted in the final four for the Best Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Award, but as we were the Winners last year, it’s clear they simply wanted to let the other companies have a turn! It was a very interactive and social event, with lots of networking along with meeting the brains behind Rate My Placement – overall, a successful day!

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