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My experience in Account Management so far!

By Cameron Plunkett on Wed 04 April 2018 in Placement Blog

The last 8 months here at ProspectSoft have given me the opportunity to gain a taste of the working world, as part of a vibrant and friendly company in one of the most dynamic industries – SaaS.

I knew from the get-go that this was an opportunity to be cherished, but after 8 months I can say that I vastly misunderstood just how valuable my placement year at ProspectSoft would be; what I would go on to learn, the great people I would meet, and the skills I would be able to develop and improve during my time here.

I have been fortunate enough to work as a placement at ProspectSoft during what some might call a paradigm shift for the company. In moving away from our old desktop CRM towards a new cloud-hosted system, I have been able to witness one of the biggest changes in the history of the company. Whilst it has been challenging in many ways it has also taught me a lot, and I now know just how much work goes into developing, marketing and selling a product that is as good as the Prospect 365 Web UI.

Working in Account Management has been a great challenge, and one that has pushed me outside my comfort zone continuously throughout the year. Although this was nerve-wracking at the time, looking back at the skills and lessons I have learned make it all worth it! I’m a completely different person now than I was when I started, and all for the better!

In the Account Management Team at ProspectSoft, my role has involved frequent communication with existing clients. I am responsible for generating my own pipeline by assessing new business opportunities, individual business requirements, and looking after the business needs of multiple accounts, new and long-standing – all stages of the B2B software sale. In terms of Account Management, I am responsible for managing a wide range of accounts who use both the old Version 6 platform and the new Prospect 365 platform. For example, this involves building and maintaining rapport with multiple clients, assessing their respective positions through meetings, assisting them with any enquiries they may have with our software and scoping out new opportunities and sales leads, ensuring that they are converted into successful sales that streamline their individual business processes in their own ProspectSoft solution.

My time at ProspectSoft has flown by, I can’t believe I’ve been here 8 months already! I have learnt so much in such a short space of time, and if there’s one thing that my placement has taught me beyond anything else, it’s that choosing to spend a year with ProspectSoft is the best decision I have ever made. I have gained a strong foundation of knowledge and experience that will no doubt be invaluable as I move towards my last year of university at Swansea, and I look forward to the remaining months I have here!

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