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2 articles tagged with "Computer Science".

Making the Most of Your Placement Year

By Isaac George on Tue 31 January 2023 in Placement Blog

Making the Most of Your Placement Year

The time during your placement can fly by so quickly, you can often feel as if you haven’t made the most of it. In this blog, Isaac shares his personal approach to best utilising his time at ProspectSoft, and the opportunities it provides.

From Computer Science to Technical Services

By Luke Yaxley on Fri 11 November 2022

Nervous about the transition from university to the working world? Read about how our Technical Services placement, Luke, has adjusted to his new role and applied his university-taught skills to the Service Desk.

By Harry Price on Thu 11 July 2024
By Yamin Choudhury on Fri 28 June 2024
By Khaula Ahmad on Fri 14 June 2024
By Issy Parry on Fri 24 May 2024
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