Applications now closed

Why I knew I had to do a year in Industry…

By Santosh Thapa on Fri 21 April 2017 in Placement Blog

I have one word to describe my current placement...Amazing!

Several months into my time flies!

By Oliver Gramlick on Tue 21 March 2017 in Placement Blog

WOW, the finishing line is in distance…I can’t believe how fast my time at ProspectSoft has gone! 

Our NUE Awards 2017 Win!

By Emily Scott on Wed 01 March 2017 in Placement Blog

Hear about our awards application for the NUE Awards and about the evening itself here!

Why I would absolutely recommend a placement year

By Michael Legg on Tue 21 February 2017 in Placement Blog

My experience so far at ProspectSoft has definitely exceeded my expectations

My experience so far in the Technical Support team!

By Jackson Jacob on Fri 20 January 2017 in Placement Blog

I can’t quite believe that I’m already half way through my placement year working at ProspectSoft as a First Line Support Consultant! 


By Jocelyn Davies on Thu 22 December 2016 in Placement Blog

If you’re looking for a placement, it’s important that you broaden your opportunities and consider applying for smaller businesses too!

The difference half a year makes

By Mikey Wotton on Wed 21 December 2016 in Placement Blog


I’m roughly half way through my 13-month placement at ProspectSoft and despite coming into the working environment with many worries...

A lot can be achieved in 4 months

By Luke Webb on Mon 21 November 2016 in Placement Blog

When I look back over the 4 months I’ve been here as a placement student, I never thought I could have achieved as much as I have in such a short space of time, and feel I can already look back with a sense of pride. 

So, you don’t know what a CRM system is…?

By Joe Warren on Mon 24 October 2016 in Placement Blog

If you don’t know what a CRM system is – don’t panic! You can still apply for a placement at ProspectSoft…so if that thought is in your head, get it out!

Why I believe doing a placement year is a great decision

By Emily Scott on Fri 23 September 2016 in Placement Blog

I can’t believe how quickly time is flying by here at ProspectSoft! I’ve learnt so much in such little time and have already noticed changes in not only my technical knowledge, but my confidence in the workplace.

By Harry Price on Thu 11 July 2024
By Yamin Choudhury on Fri 28 June 2024
By Khaula Ahmad on Fri 14 June 2024
By Issy Parry on Fri 24 May 2024
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